Friday, August 3, 2012

Why I started THIS blog

I am a foodie. I didn't realize I was a foodie for a while. I recently read a blog post titled something akin to "How you know you are a foodie" and one particular aspect struck a chord within me. I take pictures of my food ALL.THE.TIME.

Now when these pictures are taken at home, they fit perfectly into my other blogs Merry Meeting Menus or Sustainable Maine . But when they are not taken at home, I find I am not sure what to do with them. I have noticed over time that my computer has filled with these photos. I never ended up putting them on my blog because they didn't quite fit. These pictures were different and did not belong. (thank you Ani DiFranco).

I have a lot of these pictures even though we seldom go out. In all seriousness, we are a one income mortgage poor family of five and really can't afford to! So eating at a restaurant is one of those few and far between moments and even rarer times when we get all fancy and throw down some dough for a fantastic meal. This usually only happens when we get out tax return! However, this did happen last week for my (gasp) 40th birthday and that is when I got the idea to start a new blog.

So welcome to When Fern (me) and Frond (my loving husband SP) Eat Out. It will be a shout out to restaurants and full of blurry iPhone pictures (just for you Dawn) until I can get a better camera.

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